最近工作中我们新增了一批人脸识别设备,该设备支持http commet轮询
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| public class MediumMessage { public string DbId { get; set; } = default!;
public string Origin { get; set; }
public string Topic { get; set; }
public string MessageId { get; set; }
public string Message { get; set; }
public DateTime AddAt { get; set; }
public DateTime? PublishAt { get; set; }
public int Tries { get; set; }
public StatusName StatusName { get; set; } }
public enum StatusName { Failed = -1, Scheduled, Published }
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| public interface IDataStore {
MediumMessage StoreWhitelistMessage(string messageId, string topic, string message, WhitelistTask task, StatusName status);
MediumMessage GetMessage(string messageId);
void RemoveMessage(string messageId);
bool IsWhitelistEmpty();
bool ExistPublishedTopic(string topic);
IEnumerable<MediumMessage> GetMessagesOfNeedRetry();
void ChangePublishState(string messageId);
int DeleteExpiredMessages(); }
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| public class FaceWhitelistWorker{ private readonly MqttClientService _mqttService; private readonly ILogger _logger; private readonly IApiClient _api; private readonly IDataStore _dataStore;
public FaceWhitelistWorker(MqttClientService mqttService, ILogger<FaceWhitelistWorker> logger, IApiClient api, IDataStore dataStore) { _mqttService = mqttService; _logger = logger; _api = api; _dataStore = dataStore; } public async Task StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { await StartSchedule(cancellationToken); await StartPublish(cancellationToken); await StartClear(cancellationToken); }
private Task StartClear(CancellationToken ct) { const int retryInterval = 3000; return Task.Factory.StartNew(async () => { while (true) { if (ct.IsCancellationRequested) return; var count = _dataStore.DeleteExpiredMessages(); if (count > 0) _logger.LogDebug("Cleared {Count} messages", count);
await Task.Delay(retryInterval, ct); } }, ct, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning, TaskScheduler.Default); }
private Task StartPublish(CancellationToken ct) { const int retryInterval = 500; return Task.Factory.StartNew(async () => { await Task.Delay(5000, ct); while (true) { if (ct.IsCancellationRequested) return; if (_mqttService.MqttClient is not { IsConnected: true }) { await Task.Delay(5000, ct); continue; }
var mediumMessages = _dataStore.GetMessagesOfNeedRetry(); if (mediumMessages == null || !mediumMessages.Any()) { await Task.Delay(retryInterval, ct); continue; }
foreach (var mediumMessage in mediumMessages) { if (_dataStore.ExistPublishedTopic(mediumMessage.Topic)) { _logger.LogDebug("Skip message {Id} with topic {Topic}", mediumMessage.MessageId, mediumMessage.Topic); } else { var mqttMessage = new MqttApplicationMessageBuilder() .WithTopic(mediumMessage.Topic) .WithPayload(mediumMessage.Message) .WithAtMostOnceQoS().Build(); await _mqttService.PublishAsync(mqttMessage); _dataStore.ChangePublishState(mediumMessage.MessageId); _logger.LogDebug("Publish message {Id} with topic {Topic}", mediumMessage.MessageId, mediumMessage.Topic); } }
await Task.Delay(retryInterval, ct); } }, ct, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning, TaskScheduler.Default); }
private Task StartSchedule(CancellationToken ct) { return Task.Factory.StartNew(async () => { const int waitInterval = 5000; await Task.Delay(waitInterval, ct); while (true) { if (ct.IsCancellationRequested) return; if (_mqttService.MqttClient is not { IsConnected: true }) { await Task.Delay(waitInterval, ct); continue; }
if (ct.IsCancellationRequested) return;
if (!_dataStore.IsWhitelistEmpty()) { await Task.Delay(waitInterval, ct); continue; }
Pageable<WhitelistTask> page = null; if (page?.Data == null || page.Data.Count == 0) { await Task.Delay(10000, ct); } else { _logger.LogDebug("Fetched whitelist tasks from api, count:{Count}", page.Data.Count()); foreach (var task in page.Data) { if (ct.IsCancellationRequested) return; if (task.Action == WhitelistTaskAction.Delete) { await ProcessDeleteAction(task); } else if (task.Action == WhitelistTaskAction.Add) { await ProcessAddAction(task); } } } } }, ct, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning, TaskScheduler.Default); }
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| public IEnumerable<MediumMessage> GetMessagesOfNeedRetry() { var result = WhitelistMessages.Values .Where(x => x.Tries < MaxTryCount && (x.StatusName is StatusName.Scheduled or StatusName.Failed || x.StatusName == StatusName.Published && x.PublishAt?.AddMilliseconds(RetryInternal) <= DateTime.Now)) .OrderBy(t => t.AddAt) .GroupBy(t => t.Topic) .Select(t => t.First()); return result; }
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| [12:19:54 DBG] Fetched whitelist tasks from api, count:5 [12:19:54 DBG] Publish message EditPerson-951-1494527067538440192 with topic dev/face/2042253 [12:19:54 DBG] Publish message EditPerson-965-1494527067840430080 with topic dev/face/11111 [12:19:55 INF] Mqtt message received with topic: dev/face/2042253/Ack [12:19:55 WRN] Cannot find message handler for topic: dev/face/2042253/Ack [12:19:55 DBG] Skip message EditPerson-954-1494527067689435136 with topic dev/face/2042253 [12:19:55 DBG] Skip message EditPerson-968-1494527068167585792 with topic dev/face/11111 [12:19:55 DBG] Skip message EditPerson-954-1494527067689435136 with topic dev/face/2042253 [12:19:55 DBG] Skip message EditPerson-968-1494527068167585792 with topic dev/face/11111 [12:19:56 DBG] Skip message EditPerson-954-1494527067689435136 with topic dev/face/2042253 [12:19:56 DBG] Skip message EditPerson-968-1494527068167585792 with topic dev/face/11111 [12:19:56 DBG] Publish message EditPerson-951-1494527067538440192 with topic dev/face/2042253 [12:19:56 DBG] Publish message EditPerson-965-1494527067840430080 with topic dev/face/11111 [12:19:57 DBG] Skip message EditPerson-954-1494527067689435136 with topic dev/face/2042253 [12:19:57 DBG] Skip message EditPerson-968-1494527068167585792 with topic dev/face/11111 [12:19:57 INF] Mqtt message received with topic: dev/face/2042253/Ack [12:19:57 WRN] Cannot find message handler for topic: dev/face/2042253/Ack [12:19:57 DBG] Skip message EditPerson-954-1494527067689435136 with topic dev/face/2042253 [12:19:57 DBG] Skip message EditPerson-968-1494527068167585792 with topic dev/face/11111 [12:19:58 DBG] Skip message EditPerson-954-1494527067689435136 with topic dev/face/2042253 [12:19:58 DBG] Skip message EditPerson-968-1494527068167585792 with topic dev/face/11111 [12:19:58 DBG] Publish message EditPerson-951-1494527067538440192 with topic dev/face/2042253 [12:19:59 DBG] Publish message EditPerson-965-1494527067840430080 with topic dev/face/11111 [12:19:59 INF] Mqtt message received with topic: dev/face/2042253/heartbeat [12:19:59 DBG] Skip message EditPerson-954-1494527067689435136 with topic dev/face/2042253 [12:19:59 DBG] Skip message EditPerson-968-1494527068167585792 with topic dev/face/11111 [12:19:59 INF] Mqtt message received with topic: dev/face/2042253/Ack [12:19:59 WRN] Cannot find message handler for topic: dev/face/2042253/Ack [12:20:00 DBG] Skip message EditPerson-954-1494527067689435136 with topic dev/face/2042253 [12:20:00 DBG] Skip message EditPerson-968-1494527068167585792 with topic dev/face/11111 [12:20:00 DBG] Skip message EditPerson-954-1494527067689435136 with topic dev/face/2042253 [12:20:00 DBG] Skip message EditPerson-968-1494527068167585792 with topic dev/face/11111 [12:20:01 DBG] Publish message EditPerson-954-1494527067689435136 with topic dev/face/2042253 [12:20:01 DBG] Publish message EditPerson-968-1494527068167585792 with topic dev/face/11111 [12:20:01 DBG] Skip message EditPerson-957-1494527067722989568 with topic dev/face/2042253 [12:20:01 INF] Mqtt message received with topic: dev/face/2042253/Ack [12:20:01 WRN] Cannot find message handler for topic: dev/face/2042253/Ack [12:20:02 DBG] Skip message EditPerson-957-1494527067722989568 with topic dev/face/2042253 [12:20:02 DBG] Skip message EditPerson-957-1494527067722989568 with topic dev/face/2042253 [12:20:03 DBG] Publish message EditPerson-954-1494527067689435136 with topic dev/face/2042253 [12:20:03 DBG] Publish message EditPerson-968-1494527068167585792 with topic dev/face/11111 [12:20:03 DBG] Skip message EditPerson-957-1494527067722989568 with topic dev/face/2042253 [12:20:03 INF] Mqtt message received with topic: dev/face/2042253/Ack [12:20:03 WRN] Cannot find message handler for topic: dev/face/2042253/Ack [12:20:03 DBG] Cleared 2 messages [12:20:04 DBG] Skip message EditPerson-957-1494527067722989568 with topic dev/face/2042253 [12:20:04 DBG] Skip message EditPerson-957-1494527067722989568 with topic dev/face/2042253 [12:20:05 DBG] Publish message EditPerson-954-1494527067689435136 with topic dev/face/2042253 [12:20:05 DBG] Publish message EditPerson-968-1494527068167585792 with topic dev/face/11111 [12:20:05 INF] Mqtt message received with topic: dev/face/2042253/Ack [12:20:05 WRN] Cannot find message handler for topic: dev/face/2042253/Ack [12:20:05 DBG] Skip message EditPerson-957-1494527067722989568 with topic dev/face/2042253 [12:20:06 DBG] Skip message EditPerson-957-1494527067722989568 with topic dev/face/2042253 [12:20:06 DBG] Skip message EditPerson-957-1494527067722989568 with topic dev/face/2042253 [12:20:07 DBG] Publish message EditPerson-957-1494527067722989568 with topic dev/face/2042253 [12:20:07 INF] Mqtt message received with topic: dev/face/2042253/Ack [12:20:07 WRN] Cannot find message handler for topic: dev/face/2042253/Ack [12:20:09 DBG] Publish message EditPerson-957-1494527067722989568 with topic dev/face/2042253 [12:20:09 INF] Mqtt message received with topic: dev/face/2042253/Ack [12:20:09 WRN] Cannot find message handler for topic: dev/face/2042253/Ack [12:20:09 DBG] Cleared 2 messages [12:20:11 DBG] Publish message EditPerson-957-1494527067722989568 with topic dev/face/2042253 [12:20:11 INF] Mqtt message received with topic: dev/face/2042253/Ack [12:20:11 WRN] Cannot find message handler for topic: dev/face/2042253/Ack [12:20:16 DBG] Cleared 1 messages [12:20:19 INF] Mqtt message received with topic: dev/face/2042253/heartbeat [12:20:19 DBG] Fetched whitelist tasks from api, count:5